If you want to lose weight there
are a great many different approaches you could take. But unfortunately most of
them will turn out to be nothing more than short term fixes. You may get some
good results for a while, but when you return to your normal eating habits all
the weight you have lost will just go back on again. But successful long term
weight loss really boils down to just one thing – you need to consume fewer
calories than you expend. And the simplest way to do this is to use intermittent fasting for weight loss.
Intermittent fasting is not really a diet; it's more of a lifestyle. There's no calorie counting or restrictive eating plans involved, and you don't need to worry about combining foods in any particular way. All you need do is stop eating food for about 24 hours one or two days per week.
This means that from dinner one day until dinner the next day all you will consume is water. But the real beauty of this is its flexibility. You can do it as and when you wish, fitting it into your lifestyle in the way that suits you best. And on your non-fasting days you can eat as you normally would if you wish; although you’ll obviously have more success if you stick mostly to healthy food choices.
There are a number of reasons why intermittent fasting is so effective for weight loss, but here are the top five of them…